Mikyoung Jun

Assistant Research Scientist
Email: mkjun@iu.edu
Phone: 812-855-1237
Address: 501 N. Morton St.
Department: Applied Health Science
B.A., Health Education Ewha Womans University 1996
M.S., Statistical Science Indiana University 2013
M.P.H., Health Education Ewha Womans University 1998
Ph.D., Health Behavior Indiana University 2005
- Charter Master Level Health Education Specialist Certification (MCHES), National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, 2011
- Core Faculty, Division of Biostatistics, School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Indiana University
Scholarly Interest
- Measurement of Health Behavior-related Constructs
- ATOD (Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs) Use Prevention
- Community Health Intervention and Evaluation
- Research Design & Methodology
Reece, Michael, Mathew L. Smith, and Mi K. Jun. "College student intentions to participate in Internet-based health research." The Health Educator 38 no. 2 (2006): 61-69.
Milhausen, Robin. R., Kimberly R. McBride, and Mi K. Jun. "Evaluating a peer-led, theoretical sexual assaults prevention program: How do we measure success?" College Student Journal 40 no. 2 (2006): 316-328.
Ding, Kele, Mohammad R. Torabi, Bilesha Perera, Mi K. Jun, and E. Lisako McKyer. "Inhalant use among Indiana school children, 1991-2004." American Journal of Health Behavior 31 no. 1 (2007): 24-34.
Alter, Randi J., Jun, M.K., and E. Lisako McKyer. "ATOD prevention programming in the non-school-hours and adolescent substance use." Journal of Drug Education 37 no. 4 (2007): 365-377.
Torabi, M.R., Jun, M.K., Nowicke, C., Seitz-de-Martinez, B., & Gassman, R. (2010). Tobacco, the common enemy and gateway drug: Policy implications. American Journal of Health Education, 41(1), 4-13.
Gassman, R., Nowicke, C.E., & Jun M.K. (2010). Individual characteristics of adolescent methamphetamine users in relation to self-reported trouble with the police. Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education, 54(1), 76-92.
YoussefAgha, A.H., Gassman, R.A., Jones, A.D., & Jun, M.K. (2010). Trends in alternative forms of tobacco intake among high school students. The Health Education Monograph Series, 27(1), 45-51.
Agley, J., Agley, D.L., Gassman, R.A., & Jun, M.K. (2010). Sleep, stress, and cigarette smoking among college students. The Health Education Monograph Series, 27(1), 108.